'A woman of power is a woman of character’
‘Ship your grain across the sea and after many days you may receive a return’, this is Ecaterina’s life motto. Ecaterina is 66, her husband Vasile is 70 and together with their three children and eight grandchildren, they form a happy and harmonious family.
Ecaterina is like an overflowing well of kindness and generosity. She is considerate, caring and respectful towards everyone she meets. Listening to her is like resting your weary body near an oasis. You just don’t want to leave. Ecaterina is a source of wisdom and good advice. She comforts and supports everyone. If you ask her for advice, she will most certainly be able to give it to you. She is always kind, gentle and generous, to every person she meets. Her care and her candour challenge you to have a good look in the mirror and to change your attitude, your thoughts and ideas, maybe even your whole life.
‘When I see someone in need, I will talk to them and provide whatever they need. There will always be people with more problems than I have. And I will always help. There’s always something in my house that I can't help them with, like some bread, for instance.
What is a powerful woman? To me, a woman who chooses to love without expecting anything in return. She is powerful. Someone who sees the good in the other, says exactly the right thing at the right time, puts the interests of the other above her own. She is loving, comforting and she offers relief. A woman of power is a woman of character.
Personally, I feel strong when people come to me for advice. I am always glad to hear that my advice has helped others to overcome difficult situations in their life or that it has helped to improve relationships. One of my neighbours used to come to me for advice and she told me, that whenever she talked to me, she always felt so much better.
An example of a strong woman in my life was a mother of nine. She was a mentor and a counsellor for numerous women in our village. Many of them have followed her lead. She was very knowledgeable and wise and she had an answer to each and every question. She taught younger women how to improve the relationship with their husbands and she gave advice on the upbringing of their children.
I feel feminine when my husband pays me a compliment and when he takes my opinion into consideration. When he appreciates me for who I am, what I am and for the things that I do for him.
My grandchildren always thank me for being such a good and kind grandmother. My husband thanks me for being a wonderful wife and a reliable helper in need. All the time, he takes heed of my opinion and he asks me for help with everything that he does.
My greatest wish is good health – I hope that my family will remain healthy. I would like my children and my grandchildren to continue to take my advice, so they can lead peaceful lives and that they have a strong bond with one another.
In my opinion, women are considered valuable in our society. Men and women have equal rights and we even see women in leadership positions.
My legacy for younger women? I would like them to follow my advice and my example. See the good in the other, say the right thing and put the interests of the other above your own.’

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