She squats and gazes at you from a corner of the house her family built from clay and mud. When you return her look, she fixes your gaze. When you smile, she smiles carefully. The more time passes, the wider her smile grows.
You cannot help but stare at Falek. As her mother, her grandmother, her neighbor talk about their life, Falek draws your attention and makes you curious about her story. Not on purpose. It’s just those eyes.
She says she likes to play with Barbies. But when asked what she wants to be when she grows up, she’s at a loss for words. Someone yells ‘doctor!’ and Falek tells you she wants to be a doctor.
A few minutes later, when the room is empty, she says, ‘I want to help people. All the people. In the whole world. I’m still playing now, and there is no school for me to go to. But I’m smart. And I know that I can do it.’

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